Singing Guide: Eddie Cochran

Singing Guide: Eddie Cochran

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Eddie Cochran was a highly influential rock and roll pioneer from America, active in the late 1950s and early 1960s. His unique vocal technique featuring growling, vibrato, and twang, helped define the rockabilly genre. In this article, we will explore how to develop your voice like Eddie's, focusing on his signature techniques, songs that showcase them, and practical tips that can help you make progress.

Developing Eddie Cochran’s Vocal Style

Key Techniques


One of Eddie Cochran's key vocal techniques is growling. It's a sound that you create by adding grit to your voice and adding an edge to your sound. One of the best ways to learn how to growl is to practice singing songs with attitude, preferably ones that have a strong rock n' roll element. You may also want to consider incorporating some vocal distortion exercises into your routine. Here's a quick exercise from Singing Carrots for learning how to do it: How to Growl Exercise


Eddie Cochran also had a unique and powerful vibrato that was an essential part of his sound. Vibrato is a slight variation in pitch that's often heard in classical music and is a crucial part of any singer's toolkit. Singing Carrots has an excellent lesson that can help you learn how to sing with vibrato. Check it out: Singing with Vibrato


Another key element of Eddie's vocal technique is twang. Twanging is a technique where you create a bright, bell-like tone by narrowing the back of your mouth and the back of your throat. It can be challenging to master, but with practice, you can get it right. Here's an exercise from Singing Carrots to get you started: How to Twang Exercise

Key Songs

Now, let's take a look at some Eddie Cochran songs that showcase his unique vocal style. The most well-known Eddie Cochran song is probably "Summertime Blues," which features growling, twang, and is an excellent showcase of Eddie's signature guitar sound. Other great Eddie Cochran songs include "C’mon Everybody," "Twenty Flight Rock," and "Weekend."

Additional Tips

  • Don’t forget to warm up properly. Before you begin your singing session, doing vocal warm-up exercises can help you prepare your voice and avoid injury. Have a look at our warm-up exercises to avoid straining your voice.
  • Stay true to Eddie's voice but don't forget about your voice's individuality. Eddie Cochran developed his unique style by experimenting with different techniques to find a sound that worked for him. By all means, use Eddie's style as a guide, but don't be afraid to incorporate your vocal identity too!
  • Remember to keep an open-throat with the Farinelli breathing technique, and loosen your jaw. This way, you'll be able to hit those high notes effortlessly.
  • Use Singing Carrots songs search to find the level-appropriate songs to practice that suit your voice. It works based on your vocal range, so you will get to improve your voice as you go!


It's time to start incorporating Eddie Cochran's signature vocal techniques in your singing routine. By using the right exercises and focusing on the essential techniques, you'll be able to develop a powerful, rock n' roll voice, just like Eddie's. Don't forget to experiment with your voice and have fun along the way!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.